Name me a girl who's in the correct of mind wont be happy for her wedding?
I am happy, and of course in the quest of making it to---->perfection.
But everyone's having their own definition for this.
For me,
I want my nikah to be done at masjid, surrounded by families and close friends.
I want, when Amran kisses me on my forehead, the sheer of cold sweat is because iI feel loved when all my loved ones are here.
I want all the heartbreaks, frustrations and disappointments diminish into the thin air the moment Amran says "Aku terima nikahnya..."
On the night of akad nikah, I want all my guests, especially my non-Kelantanese friends to enjoy the nasi kerabu Mak ordered from the famous MokJoh Penambang and also have the taste of Kelantanese sweet delicacies Mak ordered from the famous Niks who cater royalties for years.
I want all my friends to join the tepung tawar session as I've prepared myself the special bunga telor to be passed which caused me backpain for days.
I want all my friends to be with me giving the *First Time* poses on the dais, as u know my family is the reserved lot, they wont give me these crazy poses.
I want the not so update dais that I took from NBride wont turn out so bad. Same goes to make up, songkets and lace kebaya.
I want my photographer, AriffinMukhtar manages to capture the beautiful moments of everything since he comes quite cheap, n sometimes cheap means bad.
I want all my friends not to feel left out during my wedding since it's just a very small reception, so by right I should be able to entertain all.
I want the guests to be contented with the dodol and Kisses I stuff into the gown and tux boxes I bought via online tho Mak loathes them. And dodol bought by Lat must be good, I trust her taste.
I want everyone to enjoy the food during my reception for Haji Halim Caterer is one of the famous caterer in Kota Bahru, so he must live up to the reputation by giving us good and delectable food.
I want Amran will look at me as if I am the most beautiful woman in the world.
I want Mak to be happy with the choice I made and always pray for my happiness as I've brought her a lot pain too.
I want Amran to be received by all my family members, and Dina would be at ease with him since this favourite niece of mine is not easily open up to new people. And sorry Dina, the name Farah Farhana Ain Puteri you choose for your future cousin wont be real because your Pakcik Amran wants ours to start with "A".
I want. I want.Iwant.
But in quest of perfection, I know I have to accept whatever that comes.
Because by the end of the day,
I just want to lay in your arms and weeping silently of joy and despair.