I went to Langkawi end of JUly last year. My friends and I attended Sheri's wedding in Kangar, and since I've never stepped into that island before,so the two of us decided to give a go.
We took the ferry at Kuala Perlis Jetty and parked the car there.RM10 per day.That was my first time in a small ferry and yeah, I was seasick. We couldnt go to the deck but since I couldnt bear it anymore, I asked one of the staff and he allowed us to go up.
We stayed at Langkawi Boutique Resort, and I managed to get the room only for RM200 (3D2N) bcause MrA's friend worked at a travel agency. It was a nice place, right infront of sangat best Pantai Cenang. But shower head of the toilet had this grueling sound which when the night came, i got quite scared, Nevertheless breakfast spread were quite tasty, a mix variety of locals and western. Hotel tu ramai mat salleh and Pak arab btw.Oh yes, we rented a car (savvy) rm60 perday i guessed.
1st Day
After checked in, we got some rest. I was still dizzy with the island breeze. In the evening, we jumped into Pantai Cenang. The waves were friendly and gentle too.
At night, we had dinner at the restaurant in front of our hotel. Seafood, yes i heart.Sedap and the prices were reasonable.
2nd Day
Oh, didnt i tell u that we bought a package of island hopping before we got into the ferry? We were actually conned. Sampai kat pulau there were thousands of packages and way cheaper!!!Tertipu. We paid 45rm for each whereas it actually rm30. Tp xpelah. The van took us infront of the hotel and went to Rebak MArina. First destination was Tasik Dayang Bunting. Cantiknya. If only I could swim, dh lama i terjun. So we just captured some pixs here and there. Some people said if you drink the water, you will get pregnant (Insyaalah) Might try lepas kawin nati.haha.
Then we went to see eaglefeeding. I was sexcited at first becus i thought we would feed the eagle, terbayang la kt kepala the eagle came to you terkedek2.Tapi actually the boats will stop at this eagle santuary, and the boatmen threw the meat out in the water, so the eagles would fly and catch it. Ada la sedikit drama because you could see they were fighting for the food. Ok la. I kagum.
Last stop was Pulau....Kat cni we stopped for one hour so Mr A pe lagi, went to swim sepuas hati and left me playing dekat air yang takat peha je. Tapi one thing about Langkawi, pasir pantai sgt halus. Mikro mikro mikro halus.and white as well.
Tgahari smpi darat blk. Had lunch and we went to Gunung MAt Cincang. Naik cable car yg sgt terrifying tp syok. After MAt Cincang, we went to Telaga Tujuh, Beras Terbakar..oh, i didnt go to MAkam Mahsuri.;(..due to inappropriate attire.haha.
Then drove around the city..pusing2..shopping cokelats..
Malam we went to DAtaran LAng, camwhoring, enjoying night life in Langkawi.
Then we had late dinner at one of the restaurant along Cenang.
3rd Day
We checked out from hotel around 11am. I havent done a serious shopping yet, so went to Pekan Kuah, bought some things. Nak cari dulang cantik2, tp mahal yg murah mnyorok kt mana xtau.. Around 4 naik feri balik.
I tell you, 3D2N in Langkawi was not enough. Should stay for atleast 4days.
So macam biasa kami jumpa jalan pulang. Arrived KL late at night.
With a smile that lasted for a few days before he made me mad again.