Whenever hubs' coming down, I somehow had made a mental note on what we are gonna have for the dinner. I dont eat much on daily basis, (seriously) but when he comes, oh my. I seriously will be having 6-7meals per day!Whether I cook or dine out, its not the questions but looking at how much calories I take, no doubt he is my ultimate appetiser. Just looking at him evokes my hunger and crave.Like serious.
So for days, my mouth watered remembering sup belut,sotong goreng kunyit, kailan ikan masin,puyuh goreng at this restaurant near Jaya Gading. Or tomyam campur, kailan ikan masin, puyuh goreng at Sinar Mesra next to Shell. Or that nasi lemak of creative pakcik who turned the old traditional sewing machine table into dining table. By the way, hubs who taught me to eat belut. At first, I felt squirmish thinking that sleeky lean snake-like creature served on my plate. So my first try was belut goreng kunyit, thinking at least the taste would not be that obvious. Sekali, eh sedap. Try sup, eh sedap.eh sedap.nak lagi.eh sedap. eh sedap.
But last night, my heart crushed. Ini kan malam lagi sehari nak raya, mestilah all those peeps (most of them orng Siam) went back home. And normally when they start holidaying, it would take 1 week to start the business back.
Tak sempat lah i nak makan dengan Amran. Makan sorang tak sedap.;(((((((

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