And been thinking he might not remember it?
It was in the mosque where the solemnization of Onie's took place, when everybody was busy taking eyes locked with Amran's, knowingly. With that 10m distance,he gave me a cheeky smile and I just knew he knew.
MasyaAllah, the feeling was incredible. I just love him more and more.
When everything was over,I was a bit heavy-headed for taking too much of bbq lamb. All I could think of was the bed.
And he,with the 'kambing' smell, signaled me to the car, and we sneaked out. Just like that.
And guessed where did we go? Hayaki Cafe. Where we made the final decision to get engaged in the next 3months. And married 7months later.
He gave me a gold anklet which I told him, when we get babies, I would turn this into small bracelets. Bliss.
But....the not-so-happy thing was I did not give him anything!
He seems in need of
1. handphone
2. that Air Max Sneakers
3. PSP
4. GAP Jeans
5. TIMEX watch
Those are the things that he eyed for many times.
So which one dear, give me a hint pleaseeeee.
Ignore the world darl..haha.It's just you and me.
Tek said I glowed, so I put it here my glowing face.:)
see~ he knew la cheq...happy for both of you!
TIMEX or iPhone both will do. But definitely not a PSP. His eyes will glued on that stuff, his ears will turn deaf.. and you'll be as small as an ant to him whenever he starts playing the PSP.
Ha Ha Ha :D
ps: btw, I'm deeply sorry if what I wrote on the comment box for the previous entry, wasn't the kind of comment you welcomed :/
Tek: Ihik.Tu lah, sometimes i mistook his 'coolness'..
Kuey san: Yeah, i also think psp not a good idea.Alangkan tgk bola pon dia boleh buat dek. Err, what makes u think I got offended? Not at all,doll. sweet.untung la ko cheq..
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