Talking about football..I donno much, except looking at the most good looking player with good skills, chasing the ball, the sweats, the nice designs of new jerseys blablabla.
But my man is a fanatic.
Avid fan of MU, Red Warrior and of course the Malaysian team.
He would leave me alone at home so that he could watch the game at the stadium with his friends.
Sometimes I mind, sometimes I dont.Depends on my mood.
But most of the time, when he was at the stadium, I would stay at home watching the game live on tv.
When he comes back, we'll talk about the game but definitely on different note.
I'll ask question like "Keeper tu hensem ah yang.Muda lagi eh?"
"Ah ah.Muda lagi. Wuu..tengok taak gol tadi, lawa tu.."
"Yang score tdi pon hensem gak, muka jantan kan."
"A ah, dia main best, mmg striker pon."
But I still love watching football.Masa RedWarrior menang, I seriously felt sooo proud.and grateful. Sebab mengenangkan a lot of people I know (yang travel frm KB-KL) willing to come supporting the team, including my bro dengan his frens yang i know bukannya ada duit sgt pon tp sbb Kelnatan final, datang jugak.So i nak jugak Kelantan menang.Biar berbaloibaloi.
During the season, then I kenal a few palyers, a few played for Malaysian team. So tadi while watching the AFF Cup, my focus was actually on these two.
Norshahrul Idlan Talaha looks very much like my bro in law.Amran's eldest bro.Amran cakap dia main kelassss.Wellllll, he still looks like Abe Anih to me.
The one who caught my eyes most mestilah keeper yang bermata sepet itu.Khairul Fahmi.Hehe.I always have soft spot for that kind of face.Mata sepet.Tinggi.Aummmm. Tapi like many people say, you wont get what you want. So dapatlah yang bermata x sepet tapi hazel dan tak berapa nak tinggi.Haha.

Tapi bagilah 10 macam ni pon, it wont be the same with my own heartkeeper.

My heart keeper
"I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart)"-E.E Cummings
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