Ok, last story about bandung.
Malam terakhir everybody was exhausted. Mak berehat di bilik, so me and hub jalan2 depan hotel sket ada convenience store. Our hotel, Unik Hotel was a bit secluded from the main road, but yang bestnya it was next to the Kartika sari factory. So petang tadi we had bought brownies, kek lapis and so on. The aroma masyaAllah so nice.
From the hotel to the main road was just 300m but it was like lorong gelap di Chow KIt.
See, I'm up for 'sale'..hahahaha
Dont feel like eating any Sundanese, or padang anymore, so we just opted for a plain IndoMee Cup, which was goooood, really. Why does almost everything kat sini semuanya enak2?
I did buy 4cups of Indomee to bring back to KL, and now I'm having the last cup of it. Malas nak masak.
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