But...I dont know whether there was something wrong about me because it turned out I didnt enjoy myself much. Well, except for a big bucket of caramel popcorn which I couldnt stop munching.
Somehow I thought there was something missing in there. No climax, of course it wouldnt be so fun.And, there was no solid conflict. Trying too hard to show Adam's good sides pon xbest jugak. And yes, semua org baik2 je..bosan ah. Now I miss Nur's little sis yg jahat masa drama dulu. Baru drama sket. And also, I dont like suara Rahim Razali dalam tuuuuu...sangat cliche. Macam tgk Merong pulak bunyinya. Lepas tu, ala ala Notebook pulak.Haishh.
Quite a number of things I didnt really like, tapi ok lah.
Not that it was totally bad,mind you.
It's just that when we have a great expectation about it, a few cracks might ruin the whole palace.
Btw, I've bought a new camera, finally. It has this front LCD which was perfect for my-type.
I nak ambik gambar kt gsc tadi tapi amran marah, so dalam kereta sudah..
1 comment:
Wa, aku xdpt g tgk lg coz online traffic. Tp ofismet aku pn ckp broim gler. Rs mcm nk cancel je niat. Pnat j excited.
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